...di sini bermula segalanya...

my life as a doctor-to-be..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


now begins a new department
ENT which is shortform for ear-nose-throat
di indonesia lebih dikenali sebagai THT iaitu telinga-hidung-tekak
this is a small department
so only for 3 weeks then done!

not like paediatric dept like before
im so stress out during that time!
got a "killer" consultant
a skema-tak-tentu-pasal group members
resident yang OVER strict
pe ag..ward panas dan berbau
and so on
alhamdullilah dah lulus
now im free from paeds!

today was the first day in THT
kul 7 klas dah start
mulai dengan acara ilmiah dari resident,
then pengayaan dari dokter,
and pretest..
lunchbreak and continue with discussion from LO (resident yang handle kitorang)

yang bestnya THT jam kerja sampai kul 3 je
tak cam dept yang lain iaitu kul 3.30 pm
best woo...kul 3.15 dah ada kat umah
seronoknya goyang kaki

k la..
nanti sambung cte ag
moody sket hari nih
mood swing kot
k chow!


  1. xmo jadi paed yer... :p
    awal setgh jam pun seronot ek :)

  2. eh bese..masa tuh sgt berharga..hehe>_<

  3. minat sakit jiwa, ok jg,skrg ramai pasien sakit jiwa !

  4. hehe..tgk dlu cmne nnti.after dh masuk sume dept.:)
