...di sini bermula segalanya...

my life as a doctor-to-be..

Friday, May 7, 2010

dear my lil sista...

nabila,this is dedicated for u..
why r u so depressed lately?
is it because what u r now is not what u want?
u dun like engineering?
u hate being in australia?
u dun want to fly?
then why r u choose it in the 1st place?
dun say mom told u to do so
because i already asked her
she told me she never push u to make a decision
u MADE it!

i dun know if my 'teori' true or not
but let me quest why r u not happy

1. u dun fly with ur bestfriend in kms...because u r happy in kms rite?
2. there so much difficulties in ur study rite now such as ur report etc...bare with it!!i also go thru sumthing like that^^
3. ur environment...ur troublemaker roomate..no friend that can understand u (means yg xsame kepribadian)...language barrier..different culture n religion etc
4. far from our beloved country MALAYSIA...aicehh..miss ur family...masakan mak..kawan2 kt mesia..mknn kt mesia...suasana kt mesia...homesick la nih..hehhe
5. u think this is not what u want..what u decide...but others people choose for u...u said u never regretted it..but ur words in ur blog said it...or am i mistaken?

cukup la 5 je..itu ape yang aqis rase..sorry if it not true...
we here mak abah sume want to help u...so much..tell us how we can help u..just anything^^
aqis xpandai nak bagi nasihat sgt..n aqis tahu nala xsuke kne nasihat2 nih kan..situasi aqis xsame ngan nala...b4 aqis nak fly aqis hepi sgt...nk naek flight..even bukan 1st time pon..nak 'melancong' ke negara laen..nak cari experience baru..n jauh dari family...sebab aqis rse aqis xelok duk umah lame2 sgt..byk sakitkan hati mak je..this is what i think..i know mum never thought bout it..nih naluri 'jahat' dlm diri aqis yg aqis xleh ubah dr kecik lagi..slalu rse cm anak derhaka la..mcm2 la..xtaw nape..huhu..alamak tertukar topik plak=p

pe2 pon...adapt with u situation now..kawan boleh carik..tegur la scr baek roomate tuh..psg azan kt laptop..sbb ust hasrizal kate oversea stdnt yg duk neg2 omputih nh jarang dgr azan berkumandang..so iman bergoyang..aiceh..n tepon mak slalu...lepas kerinduan d hati^^

hope this will help u..at least decrease ur depression>_<

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