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my life as a doctor-to-be..

Friday, March 26, 2010

sae gil chuka hamnida!!!!

mksdnye epi besday to u...but actually dis post for my besday...hahah
well im already 22th...what???22???can u believe dat??...kalo dlu2 aqis slalu ckp k.nirah nh perangai cm bdk kecik la..padahal umo dh 22 taun...now here i am!!the same position as she is...uwaaa....diri sndri rse cm xcaya je...dh tue rpenye aqis nh...bak kata docter2 kt cni 'umah kata pergi kubur kata mari'...huhu

1stly i want to say tq sooo much to all my frenz esp hani eman et n dha 4 da celebration!!sowi la xbrape jdk prank korunk..haha...owg nh slalu bt langkah berjaga-jaga..hihi>_< nway tenkiu 4 da cake n 'tepung' yg korg blk tuh...kn ag bgs kalo tepung tuh bt cucur ke...nh membazir!!!hahah...n pagi td saje je usik2 telinga nh..tetibak rse cm bnde kesat2..wrne putih plak tuh..TEPUNG rpenye kamu!!iskh3 cmne la leh msk ke telinga nh..to eman tq 4 da baju tido budak 3 taun tuh..akn ku pki smpi pudar wrnenye..hihi..hani tq 4 da bear n flower..jaejoong b'tmbh kwn ag..hihi..kek mmg sedap..kasik 5 bintang ah...fewwwiit2~ n xlpe gak kwn2 yg wish kt fb..t'sgt la byk smpi lenguh tgn nk membalasnye..thnks a lot sme!!cayang korunk!!!muahhhhh3~

lastly 4 my beloved family...pttnye family come 1st...aigooo..xpe la...da most important should write in da last part..so ag istimewa...aduhhh pe aqis merapu nh.. nway tq so much to my beloved mother!!u remember da tyme i come out fr ur body n da 1st tyme i inhale da air fr world..cewwaaahh....thnks to u im survive until right now..akan ku balas segala jasamu mak..even xternilai hrga pengorbananmu... to nala..ur words in ur blog really touch me...aqis hampir nanges bce...tp hati nh beku plak xnk kuarkn air mata..huhu..d sebabkn terlalu best ayt nala..aqis copy paste ke cni..ehehe...cayang kamu sme>_<

do u remember those times we shared together
when we ran together as our legs had been tied up and we won the first place
the moments when we fought and i cried calling for mom but whenever mom wanted to scold on u i backed u up
when both of us loved drawings so much that we compared each other master piece
the cherish times we spent during our school times together at kkb despise how f3 and f5 heated up between each other
when you were going to overseas,sorry i wasn't there,but make me thought of flying overseas too despise i dun want to be a doctor:)
yeay,we fought as much as we care about each other but nowadays all i feel from you is an unconditional love that as big as the entire ocean or better more than that
to see how you changed makes me want to change for better person,there's a large room for improvement and insyaAllah He always lead us to Jannah

words can't describe how much i love you
and not because today is your birthday i told you so but i am and always love you for the entire of my life
and insyaAllah after life we'll meet again together with those we both love
love you,saranghae,ai shi teru,wo aini,tequiro,sayang kamu
my beloved sister,Siti Balqis Zulkifli,happy 22th birthday!!
have a blast birthday:)

p/s:amacam?..mantap kn..^^


  1. nak nanges ek?? huhu..actually time ala tulis post tu pon ala cm nk nanges:)
